Erika Nell Malvey-Dorn, M.D., Ph.D.


Program: Microbiology
Defense Year: 1998
Advisor: Dan Mueller
Dissertation Title: "The Functional Consequences of T Cell Tolerance Induction In Vivo."

Erika Nell Malvey-Dorn, M.D., Ph.D.

Lokeshchandra Kalekar, Ph.D.


Program: MICaB
Defense Year: 2016
Advisor: Dan Mueller
Dissertation Title: "The Role of Anergy in Peripheral Tolerance."

Lokeshchandra Kaleker, Ph.D.

Jody Bonnevier, Ph.D.


Program: MICaB
Defense Year: 2003
Advisor: Dan Mueller
Dissertation Title: "Regulation of Primary CD4 T Cell Cycle Progression."

Jody Bonnevier

Mueller Lab

Graduate Students and Post Doctoral Fellows in the lab are working on research that is focused on the investigation of the biological and biochemical mechanisms that underlie the induction and maintenance of T- and B-cell tolerance within the peripheral immune system.