Below is a list of notable happenings, awards and accolades that members of CFI have achieved this year.

2018 collage



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Tijana Martinov, a Ph.D. candidate in the Fife lab, a leader of the Association of Multicultural Scientists, and an active member of the Career Development Committee within her graduate program was awarded the 2018 Sharon L. Doherty Award on October 11, 2018Read more...



The Center for Immunology would like to congratulate Dave Masopust as he is honored with the highest recognition of excellence in health research by AHC faculty and becomes a member of the Academies for Excellence.  Read more...


The Center for Immunology mourns the passing of Dr. Mike Murtaugh who passed away Tuesday, September 18, 2018, following a battle with pancreatic cancer, see the full write-up in the Star Tribune.  Read more...


Congratulations to Kris Hogquist who has been named the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology's Vice Chair for Research.  Read more...


The Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology (LMP) spotlights work being done in the Jameson lab on T cell self-tolerance to test how vaccines work in treating autoimmune disease and cancer.  Read more...


On August 7, 2018, the Masonic Cancer Center announced the first Chainbreaker Breakthrough Cancer Research Grant would be awarded to a multi-disciplinary team of 13 researchers will be co-led by Timothy K.  Read more...


In the July 2018 issue of Nature Reviews Immunology, Jeffery Bluestone recalls his first meeting with Marc Jenkins.  Changing the way that Bluestone viewed T cell tolerance.  Read more...


The Center for Immunology would like to welcome Dr. Tyler Bold, Department of Medicine to our group in WMBB.  Read more...


The Chainbreaker 2018 bike-a-thon on August 10-12, 2018 was a successful ride for the Center for Immunology peloton: the Checkpoint Bikers.  Read more...


The transfer of microorganisms from dirty mice to standard SPF mice can induce a number of interesting immunological changes, and now researchers have a space that they can use to carry out their necessary experiments.  Read more...




On April 30, 2018, the Center for Immunology was honored to host Congressman Emmer to Tea and Talk. Read more...


In an earlier issue of Nature, the Masopust and Jameson labs show evidence of how laboratory rodents can skew immunology research but that "dirty mice" can clean up the results.  Read more...


The Vince Lombardi Cancer Foundation recently honored three 'Leaders for A Cure' at a Super Bowl related event in St. Paul, MN on February 1, 2018.  Among the honorees was Chris Pennell, PhD, the Masonic Cancer Center's Associate Director of Community Engagement and Education, and Center for Immunology faculty member.  Read more...


Congratulations to Empowering Women in Science for securing a 2018 Campus Climate Micro Grant. In its third year, the micro-grant program supports projects to advance the campus climate. The theme for 2018 was “fostering understanding, building solidarity and community.” EWIS successfully submitted a proposal for a training seminar for biomedical scientists in Spring 2018 to learn how to effectively work in diverse teams to achieve a common goal.  Read more...


Congratulations to Dr. Ingunn Stromnes, who was featured on the cover of the November issue of Cancer Immunology Research and to Dr. Justin Spanier and his December cover of DiabetesRead more...