November 30, 2018


Malcolm blumenthal

 Dr. Malcolm Blumenthal passed away on November 14, 2018, see full write up in the Star Tribune

The Center for Immunology was saddened by the loss of Dr. Malcolm Blumenthal, who passed away on November 14, 2018, see full write up in the Star Tribune.  Dr. Blumenthal received his medical degree at the University of Minnesota and, upon completion of his medical residency, he continued the medical practice his father had started to treat asthma, atopic disease, and immunogenetics.  Dr. Blumenthal was known as a great teacher and researcher, but more important to him was his commitment to serving others. Thus, he set up the Dr. J.S. & H.R. Blumenthal Memorial Lectureship at the UMN to honor both his parents' work in education and the advancement of immunologic research. Since 1963, the Lectureship has hosted outstanding researchers in the field of Allergy and Immunology. The Center for Immunology is dedicated to continuing the Lectureship in honor of all the work done by the Blumenthals. As part of Dr. Blumenthal's legacy, the family has requested memorials to the Dr. J.S. & H.S. Blumenthal Memorial Lectureship or by mail to the UMN Foundation, P.O. Box 860266, Minneapolis, MN 55486.