Below is a list of notable happenings, awards and accolades that members of CFI have achieved this year.


Six CFI faculty named on the 2020 Highly Cited Researchers List
The recently published highly cited researchers list named 24 UMN researchers, six of those named are CFI faculty. CFI would like to congratulate CFI faculty Bruce Blazar, Ashley Haase, Alexander Khoruts, Dan Knights, Dave Masopust, and Vaiva Vezys and the remaining eighteen current UMN researchers who are named in the 2020 Highly Cited Researchers list, published on 11/18/20 by insight and analytics firm Clarivate Analytics (@webofscience #HighlyCited2020). The international list recognizes researchers who published multiple highly cited papers during the last decade, and whose citation records place them in the top 1 percent of citation counts for field and publication year according to Clarivate’s Web of Science citation index. Of the 23 researchers, 6 are current CFI faculty. To read the full article here

Marc Jenkins elected to the National Academy of Sciences!
Marc Jenkins, Ph.D., director of the Center for Immunology and Regents' and Distinguished McKnight Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Minnesota Medical School has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS). Read more...

New Findings of Atherosclerosis identified in study led by the Williams Lab
A study published in Nature Immunology which was led by Jesse Williams has formed new answers regarding atherosclerosis, the build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls. Read more...

Congratulations to the recipients of 2020 awards and honors
Join CFI as we recognize all the recipients of 2020 awards and honors. We are so fortunate to have such an innovative and creative group of researchers. Congratulations for a job well done. Read more...

Dr. Yoji Shimizu launches a new learning initiative for faculty: Faculty Fighting Racism
Dr. Yoji Shimizu from the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology helped launch Faculty Fighting Racism, a @UMNews initiative created as a first step to provide resources for understanding anti-racism and empowering faculty to take action. Read more...

Dr. Alex Khoruts explains how the microbiome is like a city in our gut
Dr. Alex Khoruts shares the important role the microbiome plays in a patients recovery. As the director of the U’s Microbiota Therapeutics Program he talks about his hopes that a multidisciplinary center that facilitates all microbiome research will soon be a possibility at the U. Read more...

The Wall Street Journal answers Facts and Myths About Coronavirus Antibody Tests
Drs. Amy Karger and Marc Jenkins provided factual information to The Wall Street Journal about antibody or serology tests—blood tests designed to detect who was previously infected with the new coronavirus and has developed antibodies to it. Read more...

Social Distancing while working in the lab
Dr. Marc Jenkins is quoted in a USA Today story about scientists continuing to work on essential projects while socially distancing in the lab. Read more...

Congratulations to 2 of CFI's outstanding Ph.D. Graduate Students!
Ben Brian is the winner of the 2020 Pharmacology Graduate StudentTanya Freedman
Rheumatology Future Physician Scientist Award from the Rheumatology Research Foundation. This award provides support for MD/Ph.D. students who demonstrate outstanding potential and significant commitment to a career in rheumatology research.
Congratulations Ben and Phil on their well-deserved success.

The UMN Impact of Medicine Series showcases Dr. Marc Jenkins
Considered to be one of the countries high performing medical school, the University of Minnesota believes that promoting and rewarding a culture of excellence is key in maintaining high standards. One way of displaying specifically how we impact medicine is to showcase those who exemplify the mission. Dr. Marc Jenkins was showcased, in an interview about how he has sought and discovered answers about our world through science. Read more...

UMN and Mayo researchers working on ELISA test to determine COVID-19 immunity
CFI director Dr. Marc Jenkins explains how the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic are close to unveiling antibody tests that can determine if people have already been infected by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 and are no longer threats to get or spread the infection. Read more...

Covid-19 vaccine on fast track
The Star Tribune's Christopher Snowbeck and CFI's Director Marc Jenkins talk about "a whole new approach to vaccines" using viral RNA instead of the way current vaccines are produced using a weakened or killed form of a virus to stimulate an immune system response that produces antibodies. Read more...