September 10, 2018

In the July 2018 issue of Nature Reviews Immunology, Jeffery Bluestone recalls his first meeting with Marc Jenkins.  Changing the way that Bluestone viewed T cell tolerance.

"Science is a team sport...but one contribution can be a game changer for the field of T cell immunology" Jeffery Bluestone

In the July 2018 issue of Nature Reviews Immunology, Jeffery Bluestone recalls his first meeting with a dedicated postdoc in Ron Schwartz’s lab at the NIH.  This encounter with Marc Jenkins changed the way that Bluestone viewed T cell tolerance.  In the article, Bluestone notes that key discoveries made by Jenkins have led to the discovery of cell surface molecules that turn off activated T cells. These findings have given rise to the field of checkpoint inhibition leading to the development of therapies for autoimmunity, cancer, and transplantation. Read more...