Ebony Miller

We are deeply saddened to announce that Ebony Miller, a research scientist in the Stromnes Lab, Department of Microbiology & Immunology and Center for Immunology, was killed in a tragic car accident in the early morning of November 18, 2022. Ebony was an exceptionally driven, creative, smart colleague and trusted friend and will be greatly missed.

Ebony came to the U.S. to continue her education. Ebony’s dream was to become a physician. One goal in her life was to make a difference in the healthcare and lives of women in her home country of the Bahamas. She was recently accepted into the prestigious and highly competitive Howard Medical School and was supposed to enroll in March of 2023. Ebony was a leader in the Stromnes lab and a highly productive individual. She was a constant support and beacon of light to those around her. Ebony was also a gifted artist and pursued many passions including painting and dance. Ebony deeply touched many lives and was a close friend to her colleagues at the University. "What an incredible life story. The most brilliant person I know in my lifetime. Her mind was extraordinary. At age 24, she has accomplished so much," said Kermit Miller, speaking about his daughter, Ebony, from their home in the Bahamas to KARE-11 TV.  "I was so proud of her," he said. "We come from a small island nation and she had to overcome so many obstacles just to get into the U.S."

We are deeply honored to have known Ebony and cherish our memories with her. We are completely heartbroken over her passing. We only hope to embody a small fraction of Ebony’s determination, compassion, and strength. A GoFundMe account has been set up to support the family as they lay her to rest. Ebony passed away in the USA however, her loved ones and family remain in the Bahamas and wish to bring her home. The goal of the account is to ease the financial hardship of funeral costs in the US and The Bahamas. Donations to assist her family in memorial services can be made at The Family of Ebony Allaya Miller