Kevin Osum


Email: [email protected]

Program: Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Graduate Student
Year Entered: 2017-2024
Thesis Advisors: Marc Jenkins
Dissertation Title:  "A minority of Th1 and Tfh effector cells express survival genes shared by memory cell progeny and require IL-7 or TCR signaling to persist"

Kevin Osum

Katherine Ashby


Email: [email protected]

Program: Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Graduate Student
Year Entered: 2018
Defense Year:2024
Dissertation Title: "Characterizing the role of thymic interferon in T cell development and selection"
Thesis Advisor: Kristin Hogquist

Katherine Ashby

Noah Gavil, PhD


Program: MICaB/MSTP
Defense Year: 2023
Advisor: David Masopust
Dissertation Title: "Characterizing the migration and therapeutic potential of CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes"

Noah Gavil

Hrishi Venkatesh, M.S.


Email: [email protected]

Program: Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Graduate Student
Year Entered: 2018-2024
Dissertation Title: "B Cell Leukemia Elicits a Suppressive CD4 T cell Response that is Reprogrammed with PDL1 Blockade"
Thesis Advisor: Michael Farrar

Hrishi Venkatesh

Natalie David


Program: Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD)
Year Entered: 2017
Thesis Advisor: Mike Farrar
Defense Year: 2023
Dissertation Title: "Nuclear corepressors NCOR1 and NCOR2 in CD4 T cell development"

Research: Nuclear co-repressors in CD4 T cell development. List of Publications

Natalie David

Abigail Gress


Email: [email protected]

Program: Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Graduate Student
Year Entered: 2019-2023
Thesis Advisor: Tyler Bold
Dissertation Title: "CD4 T cell Activation and OX40 Agonist Immunotherapy in Tuberculosis"

 Abigail Gress