Program: MICaB
Defense Year: 2009
Advisor: Matthew Mescher
Dissertation Title: "Third Signal Cytokines and Their Roles in CD8 T Cell Responses."

Fellowship dates: 2008-2010
David Masopust
Research Emphasis: Utilized a series of cutting-edge technologies characterizing migration patterns and quantification and longevity of pathogen-specific T cell memory. Work resulted in the launch of a new field of CD8 T cell research, tissue-resident memory formation, and the first mechanistic description of memory T cell retention at mucosal sites. Challenged dogmatic beliefs in the differences in the immune systems of mice and men through the capture and immunophenotyping of wild mice showing that stimulation history and not genetics drives many of the observed discrepancies.

Current Position: Clinical Biomarker Strategist, Oncology and Immunology at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc., Tarrytown, NY
Contact Info: [email protected]

Kerry Casey, Ph.D.