For more Jenkins Lab Alumni click arrows at the bottom of page or go here for a full listing



Kevin Osum, Ph.D.


Program: Microbiology, Immunology, and Cancer Biology Graduate Student
Year Entered: 2017
Defense Year: 2024
Thesis Advisor: Marc Jenkins
Dissertation Title:  "A minority of Th1 and Tfh effector cells express survival genes shared by memory cell progeny and require IL-7 or TCR signaling to persist"

Kevin Osum

Thamotharampillai Dileepan, D.V.M., Ph.D.


Research Associate: 2013-2022
Mentor: Marc Jenkins

Research Emphasis/PublicationsGroup A Strep pathogenesis and Antigen-specific T cell response, pMHCII tetramers, Affinity enhanced pMHCII tetramers. Full list of Publications

 Thamotharampillai Dileepan, PhD

Matthew McElwee, M.D., Ph.D.


Fellowship dates: 2017-2021
Research Emphasis: The challenge in rheumatoid arthritis is different in that the autoimmune process is driven by peptides that are chemically modified (e.g. citrullinated). In my research, I will use MHC tetramers to identify and characterize pathogenic T-cells in patients with antibody mediated rejection of lung transplant as well as rheumatoid arthritis.

M. McElwee

Peter Krueger, Ph.D.


Fellowship dates: 2015-2022
Research Emphasis: Using adoptive cell transfer and p:MHCII-tetramer enrichment with I have demonstrated important mechanisms programing CD4 T helper-1 cells during acute and persistent infections.

Peter Krueger

Justin Taylor, Ph.D.


Fellowship dates: 2008-2014
Research Emphasis:  Memory B cells and developed an innovative laboratory technique using metallic additives and magnets to test experimental vaccines to see which B cells bind to them.

Justin Taylor, Ph.D.

Miriam Rajpal, M.D.


Fellowship dates: 2010-13
Research Emphasis
:  CD4+ T cell response in neonates

Current Position: Neonatologist, Lutheran General Hospital, Park RidgeIL 
Contact Info: [email protected]

Miriam Rajpal, M.D.