Research Associate

Contact Info: [email protected] 

Research Associate: 2021-present
Mentor: Ingunn Stromnes (Lab website)
Research Emphasis/Publications: Determine immune targets and develop immune therapy approaches targeting solid tumors. Full list of Publications

Fellowship dates: 2014-2017
Advisor: Brian Fife
Research Emphasis:  Determine the ability of pancreatic beta cells to act in their own defense.

Fellowship dates: 2014-2020
Advisor: Marc Jenkins
Research Emphasis: Determine CD4 T cell targets of direct alloreactive responses.

Fellowship dates: 2017-2020
Advisor: Ingunn Stromnes
Research Emphasis: Develop murine models of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

Degrees received: 
Certificate in Bioinnovation and Entrepreneurship, University of Colorado-Denver, 2014
PhD,University of Colorado-Denver, 2014
MS, University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, 2007
BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005




Adam Burrack, PhD